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You have a matching CryptoOtter! You can claim a free CryptoOtter (you only pay ETH Gas).
Sorry, you don't hold a matching CryptoOtter. Check back every day or so for new matches!
Connect your wallet to see if you hold a matching CryptoOtter. If you do, you can mint a CryptoOtter free (only paying for the ETH Gas).

Meet the Genesis Otter

The Genesis Otter was the first CryptoOtter ever minted, she was born __________ on Ethereum block #__________. She will be airdropped to one very lucky CryptoOtter holder after the 1,000th mint, or before, if the Otter of Doom spawns early. The Genesis Otter has been successfully airdropped to a lucky CryptoOtter for safe keeping. As the first-ever CryptoOtter ever minted she is highly prized.
The Genesis Otter

The Otter of Doom is near

Meet the Otter of Doom

The Otter of Doom will be the last CryptoOtter ever minted. There is a 1 in 10,000 chance of minting him. The Otter of Doom signifies the end of all CryptoOtter minting and the supply will be permanently frozen. He is the only CryptoOtter in the collection that is guaranteed to be 100% visually unique. The Otter of Doom was minted on Ethereum block #, permanently ending all future minting of the collection at a total of CryptoOtters. He is the only CryptoOtter in the collection that is guaranteed to be 100% visually unique.
The Otter of Doom

The CryptoOtter Experiment has begun

The CryptoOtter Experiment is about to begin

The CryptoOtters collection is an experiment in the auto-generation of scarce nfts in a decentralized automated organization. No one knows how many will be minted, because there is a 1 in 10,000 chance of minting The Otter of Doom, permanently freezing the collection's supply. All minting, marketing, game rules and even this website is entirely managed by the unique CryptoOtters' Smart Contract.
The first CryptoOtter (the Genesis Otter) was cryptographically generated __________ on Ethereum block #__________. While there are 3,125 possible distinct CryptoOtters, the final supply can't be predetermined because all minting ceases when the CryptoOtter of Doom arrives. Today there are __________ CryptoOtters in existence on the Ethereum blockchain.
Every CryptoOtter has its own personality and some are much more rare than others thanks to randomly generated features. Owners can permanently record their CryptoOtters name on the blockchain, forever immutable. CryptoOtters all have a serial number, scarcity score and personal features. Anyone and everyone can view all the CryptoOtter's stats and their owners.
Only one person can officially own a CryptoOtter at a time but its full ownership history is publicly on display in a contract on Ethereum blockchain. The record is incorruptible and eternal.
Upon the arrival of the CryptoOtter of Doom, this website will automatically become a permanent memorial of all existing CryptoOtters. Holders will still be able to visit to view their CryptoOtter's stats and name their unnamed CryptoOtters.
CryptoOtters can always be traded on OpenSea, Rarible, Mintable and more for future generations to own, share, trade and enjoy!

The CryptoOtter Experiment is complete

The CryptoOtters collection was an experiment in the auto-generation of scarce nfts in a decentralized automated organization. All minting ceased , when The Otter of Doom was minted. The CryptoOtters are a self managed collection of NFT art. All minting, marketing, game rules and even this website is entirely managed by the CryptoOtter contract. The first CryptoOtter (the Genesis Otter) was cryptographically generated __________ on Ethereum block #__________. While there were 3,125 possible distinct CryptoOtters, the final supply of __________ CryptoOtters is locked forever.
Every CryptoOtter has its own personality and some are much more rare than others thanks to randomly generated features. Owners can permanently record their CryptoOtters name on the blockchain, forever immutable. Every minted CryptoOtter has a serial number, scarcity score and personal features. Anyone and everyone can view all the CryptoOtter's stats and their owners.
Only one person can officially own a CryptoOtter at a time but its full ownership history is publicly on display in a contract on Ethereum blockchain. The record is incorruptible and eternal.
Since the end of this collection, this website has become a permanent memorial of all existing CryptoOtters. Holders can still visit to view their CryptoOtter's stats and name their unnamed CryptoOtters.
CryptoOtters can be traded on OpenSea, Rarible, Minted and more for future generations to own, share, trade and enjoy!

CryptoOtter Spotting

CryptoOtters background colors are a visual indicator of their level. The colors below show the rarity levels from 1 (least rare) to 5 (most rare). Every CryptoOtter NFT has an exact rarity score which is displayed on this site and on some NFT marketplaces.

CryptoOtters in your Wallet

After purchasing your first CryptoOtter, like all NFTs, you won't automatically see it in your wallet. Find your wallet below for tips on how to get them to show up.
MetaMask (Browser extension) The MetaMask browser extension doesn't yet support viewing NFTs, but you can add the CryptoOtter token. In MetaMask at the bottom of the account screen click the "Add Token" button. Then paste in the contract address and enter 0 for Token Decimal and then click "Next".
MetaMask (Mobile) To view your individual CryptoOtter NFTs in your mobile app, click the "NFTs" tab, then "+ ADD NFTs", then enter the Contract address below and the Token ID for the CryptoOtter. You can find Token IDs for each CryptoOtter on their cards in the "My Wallet" section above if your wallet is connected.
TIP You can always view the CryptoWallets on this site, just connect your wallet!
TIP If this site does not connect to the desired account in your wallet, manually disconnect the site in your Wallet extensions or app, then go to the desired account and reconnect your wallet here.